
Wednesday, October 2, 2013


PTO General Assembly Minutes

Date:  September 19, 2013
Start Time: 5:00p.m.

PTO Board Members Present:
President:  Mary Rose O’Donnell
Vice President: JoAnn Narvaez
Treasurer: Rosiemarry Galloway
Assistant Treasurer: JoAnn Staples
Parliamentarian: Audrey Vela
Secretary: Anna Vargas
Assistant Secretary: Rachael Johnson
Administration Liaison: Ms. Adele Gomez

Topics Discussed:
Volunteers are needed for traffic and library
Upcoming events
            Fall Festival October 25th
Trunk or Treaters will be needed and there will be a possible contest for the best decorated trunk.
            Fall Catalog October 28th
                                PTO’s fall catalog fundraiser will start October 28th

Past Events
            Ultimate Gourmet fundraiser
Thank you to all the parents who participated and helped the even be successful
                        $9300.00   PTO will get 40% of the final amount

Financial Report
            Presented by treasurer: Rosiemarry Galloway
            Fundraising goals:
                        Pay for the cost of 501c3 status

School Flashing Lights
Harmony has asked PTO to announce that they are asking all parents to donate monetary funds to help with the cost of the flashing lights.  There is no donation to large or too small.  The goal is 8k and the deadline is the second week of October. 

Parents recommended:
            Raffling off baskets (ex: starbucks)
Selling water bottles to parents while they are waiting in line to pick up children
Car wash and have students help

How can PTO increase parent attendance at meetings?
            Parents suggested:
 Selling dinner meals for $10 each meal.  If meals were sold for $10 more parents might be more willing to attend.
 Diana Kumar offered the help of her husband who is an executive chef to make meals instead of ordering pizza. 
Possible performance by children this way parents would come to watch.
                                   Getting the word out by putting flyers on the cars.

Parents and Grandparents played Bingo and enjoyed the rest of the evening by winning prizes and having their photos taken

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