
Friday, October 19, 2012

November 2012

November 15, 2012

Meeting officially commenced at 6:40 p.m.

Officers Present:
President (JoAnn Staples), Vice President (Mary Rose O’Donnell), Assistant Treasurer (Diana Robichaux), Assistant Secretary (Rachael  Johnson) and Parliamentarian (Audrey Vela)

Officers Not Present:
Treasurer (Sherry McCarthy) and Secretary (Anna Vargas)


Meeting Minutes:  Review of Meeting Minutes from 10/19/2012

Officer Reports:    President:
1.       All money was due on Today but will allow money to be turned in tomorrow as a final deadline.
2.       Delivery of items will be Thursday & Friday (Dec. 13th &14th).  If items are not picked up by then they will go home with the child on December 17th (Monday)
3.       Reminded parents that all students of parents who attend PTO meetings will receive PRS points
4.       January will be our next meeting.  There will not be a meeting for December but there will be an update on PTO status sent home for December
5.       Reminded parents to keep line of communication open with teachers and to remember to give positive feedback to the teachers not only negative.

1.        Discussed PTO’s new Blog Page
2.       Membership Drive:  Each class that reaches 100% of membership will have a pizza party.  Results and updates of this will be on the blog page for parents to view.
3.       New tab: There will be a new tab added called “Teacher’s Wish List”. Since the expense of supplies is not covered by the school, the teachers pay for these items out of pocket.  This is just one of the many ways that we can help to support our teachers. 

Other Items Discussed:
Volunteers Opportunities:
Science Fair Judges:
                        Science fair will be on December 8, 2012. The school is asking for judge volunteers. 
            Book Fair:
Librarian is in need of volunteers for the upcoming book fair.  There will also be a pajama night & story time.

Open the floor for any Concerns, Questions or Praise Reports from Parents
1.       Uniform belt are a concern because many children are not following dress code
2.       Which sweaters are allowed?
3.       Do teachers have a dress code to follow?  Parents are concerned with some of the outfits the teachers are wearing is not appropriate and does not set a good example for students. 
1.        Who is the new principal? What is his name?  Parents would like a picture and introduction of the principal in Wednesday Mail so that they are aware of who he is.  There is no introduction on the website either.  The parents suggested that they post his picture name and introduction on the webpage for all parents to see.
2.       Parents are concerned with lack of organization in the school.  PTO Board members reminded the parents that this may well be growing pains and to keep in mind that the experience is felt within the school, parents and student.  The parents were urged to be patient with the process
3.       Parents would like to know how will the “PreK SA” proposition that was passed will affect HSA-SA.
4.       Parents would like administration to confirm as fact or rumor:  2nd grade student was caught crossing the street during recess or gym.  If this is fact then what can be done to prevent this from reoccurring?
5.       When is free dress day?  When do students get to wear their spirit shirt?
6.       Textbooks:  Teachers do not have enough textbook to allow the students to bring the books home.  Some teachers have online access set up for students to view and read materials.  Parents urge administration to have all teachers set up online access for students to be able to have access to materials needed for classes.
7.       Praise Report: Parents Love the “parent mobile app” and would love to see screen shots of the app in Wednesday Mail so that all parents would know about the app because it is very helpful and easy to use.
1.       Parents would like to the cross guard to be recognized at Christmas time.
2.       Fundraiser: Parents would like for PTO to give parents more time to sell items and participate in the fundraiser.

                        Loretta Flores, Cynthia Rodriguez, and Angelina

Meeting officially adjourned at 7:37 p.m.