
Tuesday, April 26, 2016

PTO General Assembly Meeting
Thursday February 25, 2016

PTO President Maryrose ODonnell opened meeting at 5:30 p.m.

  • PTO bank - $ 3,319.40
  • World Greatest Chocolates – selling until March
  • May 7, 2016 – Annual Spring Festival. Committee to help with festival. Possibly having a chili cook-off.  Inviting people who do the car shows. Sumo-Bots. And if any vendors would like to sell.
  • School Beautification Project. Committee to help.
  • Meeting adjourned at 5:45.

Minutes prepared by Teresa Barclay, Secretary

Monday, April 25, 2016

May 7 Spring Festival - from 11am to 3pm
Fees for :
     Outside Vendors $30
      Students Clubs $10
We need to get some donations for the silent auction baskets.  Also have some of the classes do a themed basket.  Best basket from each grade level will win a pizza party.
Earth Day -  School Beautification, if possible. Clean around school, plant some plants, maybe paint?
               Release of Catalog Fundraising, possibly on April 1.
PTO Assisting with Sports Banquet & Senior Banquet
Teacher's Appreciation Week Starting May 3 for 1 week   - Ideas?
 Doing a potluck for the teachers from the parents